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Have Your Say on Important Issues

Writer's picture: Disability AssistDisability Assist

Updated: Sep 28, 2022

Disability Assist has always worked to make sure the views of disabled people are represented.

And as we all head towards particularly challenging times, it is more important now than ever that decision-makers understand what has the most impact upon disabled people and people with disabling long-term health conditions.

Our CEO, Sophie, has several opportunities to relay your views and opinions to those in local and national government organisations to make sure that they understand the challenges faced by disabled people.

We are keen to hear what you have to say so please tell us about the issues that are affecting you, what is worrying you and what you want to see happening.

There are a number of opportunities coming up where you can speak to us about specific topics or visit us in person at events:

  • Direct Payments Forum – 5th September

This is an ongoing Kent-wide forum which is chaired by Sophie and attended by representatives from Kent County Council. It offers you the chance to bring up any issues relating to Direct Payments. Please contact Jasmine Knight at Kent County Council on 03000 415764 or email for further information

  • Physical Disability Forum – 7th September

This is another ongoing county-wide forum which is chaired by Sophie. This forum covers all topics relating to and affecting people with a physical disability in Kent so you can bring up anything that is concerning you. Please visit

  • Cost of living summit – 20th September

Sophie has been invited to attend a summit on the current cost of living crisis, held by a local authority. This is an excellent opportunity to have the voices of Kent’s disabled community heard on this very important topic. Sophie is keen to hear your point of view so please contact us directly to let us know any thoughts you would like to bring to our attention.

  • MS Society Listening Event – 26th September

This event brings the MS community – those living with MS, carers and professionals – together to talk about what is working in terms of services and support and to share ideas and suggestions about gaps or areas with room for improvement. Disability Assist will be attending to give a talk about our services so please come to visit us at the Kent MS Therapy Centre. You can book your tickets using the following link:

  • Health & Wellbeing Day at Hermitage Park Community Centre - 30th September

Disability Assist will have a stand at the health and wellbeing day that is being hosted at Hermitage Park Community Centre so you can come and talk to us in person about anything that is concerning you. For further information, contact Hermitage Park on 01622 427492 or email

  • Sevenoaks Access All Areas event - 16th October

Sevenoaks District Council are hosting an Access All Areas event at White Oak Leisure Centre in Swanley. This is a great chance to come and see us, as well as to find out what else is happening for you in the community and to get more active. Please contact us for further information.

  • Sevenoaks Access Group – ongoing

Sophie is chair of this group and is keen to hear from disabled people in Sevenoaks to find out about the issues relating to access. Please contact us in the first instance and we can give you further details on how to provide your feedback. We are also keen to hear from anyone in Sevenoaks who may be interested in chairing this group.

If you aren’t able to make one of these events, you can get also in touch with us via telephone, email, the contact form on our website or on our social media channels. We are looking forward to hearing from you so please do make the most of these chances to have your voice heard.


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