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Small Actions to Empower Your Life in 2025

Writer's picture: Disability AssistDisability Assist

The start of a new year is the perfect time to take small steps toward a healthier, happier, and more independent life. Here are some ideas to inspire you for 2025:

1. Eat Well for More Energy

Healthy eating doesn’t have to be complicated. Kent has several farmer’s markets where you can get fresh, seasonal produce and the Kent’s Farmers Markets Association has details of where you can find these Planning simple meals can help you feel more energised and support your overall wellbeing. If you are looking to lose weight, One You Kent offers professional support to help you achieve your weight loss goals with a free 12-week programme that can be accessed online or face-to-face.

2. Learn Something New

A course that teaches you something new could open doors to exciting possibilities. Whether it leads to a new hobby, improved skills or new prospects, you can explore opportunities by searching on Kent Adult Education. Kent County Council also offers Kent Enablement Support (KES), which is a short-term service designed to help you achieve your personal goals and enhance your independence at home and in the community. It is free for adults with physical disabilities.

3. Find a New Job

Looking for a new job? Disability Confident Scheme employers are organisations who are committed to inclusive practices and supporting disabled employees. DWP’s Find a Job website lists several vacancies and has now changed to ensure Disability Confident employers will automatically have the logo displayed on their job ads. You can also apply a filter in the search function and this approach can help you connect with understanding employers who value your skills and are ready to support your success.

4. Make Your Home Safer

Did you know Kent Fire and Rescue Service offers free home safety visits? They will check your smoke alarms and provide advice tailored to your needs, making your home safer and giving you peace of mind. This service is available to anyone with a long-term health condition.

5. Review Your Phone and Broadband Contracts

Are you paying more than you need to for your phone and broadband? Many providers offer social tariffs for people receiving certain benefits, which can significantly reduce your monthly bills. Companies like BT, Virgin Media, and Sky have affordable packages designed to support low-income households and you can search for and compare deals that you may be eligible for on Faster Broadband. Switching to a social tariff could free up funds for other essentials while keeping you connected.

6. Join the Priority Services Register

Make sure you're signed up for your utility provider’s Priority Services Register. This free service ensures extra support during power cuts or emergencies, such as priority reconnections or tailored communication methods. Letting your utility companies know about any specific needs related to your disability may also enable they to offer further assistance. Additionally, many companies now provide social tariffs for eligible customers, helping to reduce your energy bills. It’s worth checking with your supplier to see if they offer any discounts and check whether you qualify.

7. Move More, Your Way

Staying active is vital, and Kent has many options for accessible exercise. Explore Kent has information about Easy Access walks. You can also try the Everyday Active website which is great for anyone looking to be more active in Kent. You can explore the different types of activities on offer, use the activity finder or read some inspiring stories or top tips on the blog.

8. Look After Your Health

Stay on top of your health by booking routine check-ups and scheduling any flu or Covid boosters that you may be eligible for. You might also wish to look into services like NHS Health Checks, which are free and can help catch potential issues early to keep you in control of your wellbeing. Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust is running a series of Winter Well events this winter season where you can get healthy this winter, whether that’s through immunisation and health advice, access to healthy food, cost of living and energy support or reducing loneliness and isolation. Details of the events can be found here.

9. Save on Prescriptions

If you pay for your prescriptions and regularly need medication, consider getting a pre-payment certificate. It’s a cost-effective way to manage prescription costs as it lets you get as many NHS prescriptions as you need for a set price. They are available for 3 or 12 months and further information is available here.

10. Quit Smoking for a Healthier Future

If you’re looking to quit smoking, One You Kent offers free support, including one-on-one coaching and nicotine replacement therapy. Taking this step can improve your health as well as helping you to save money.

Whether you choose just one of these actions or work through more of them step by step, you’ll be on the path to a healthier and more independent 2025. Here’s to your best year yet!



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